Qippy Photography

Digital Camera Photographer of the Year 2009 Shortlist
Hi, I'm Naqib and Qippy is my nickname. I’m the Principal Photographer here at Qippy Photography. Me and my other half, Fara, are the ones running the show here.

Hmmm… How it all began? Well, I started my interest in Photography way back when I was around 12. Back then there were only film cameras. Digital camera technology didn't even exist yet! What really got me hooked on Photography early on was just how every picture that I snapped remained a mystery until I got them developed! That feeling and buzz I got from seeing a picture come out exactly how I pictured it in my mind while snapping the shot, is something I can’t really explain; it’s just so gratifying and it’s simply magical to say the least!

My passion in Photography first started when my dad came home one afternoon. He brought back with him what was at the time, a state of the art SLR camera; it was a Canon 650E! Ooooh! An Autofocus camera was a really big deal back then! Ever since then I have always been meddling with cameras, so much so that I ended up becoming ‘the photographer’ in the family whenever there were pictures to be snapped!

Fast forward a few years later, I went to the U.K. to further my education in Art and Design. I graduated from Central Saint Martin’s College of Art & Design, London, with a Bachelor’s Degree in Product Design. Later on, I furthered my education with a Master’s Degree in Computer Animation and topped it off before returning back home for good with a Professional Certificate in 3D Studio MAX.

Well, that’s pretty much my educational years in a nutshell! When I returned home after being away in the U.K. for about 8 years or so, I started working in an IT company selling turnkey solutions for video editing products. Later on, I helped form the Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia’s Photography Laboratory from scratch. It was while I was working for the museum, that I slowly received a steady flow of wedding photography requests during the weekends (I assure you it was after working hours!). At first they weren’t that many, but soon, when word got around, I received more and more requests, so much so, that I decided to take the plunge and do it fulltime instead; plus, I really needed the extra cash as I was about to get married, hehe. Not being one who likes to be tied down to just one establishment for very long; I decided the time had dawned that I started on my own with something I enjoy doing most and having my own Photography business seemed to be the most natural choice that came to mind.

The way I shoot my subjects is very much driven by capturing things as they are; I feel that you really can capture the essence of things that way better then having it staged, that’s why I prefer shooting my subjects in situ. I love telling a story through the pictures I take. I feel pictures should really tell a story and if it doesn’t, half the point is lost! Of course, I can’t do that all the time during weddings, corporate shoots, etc., but most of my shots generally evolve around capturing moments in time that go fleeting unnoticed especially if you aren’t paying full attention to these things around you. I guess, here is where I come in; I help you remember things that you may have missed out that can’t be repeated ever again. Call me a 'Visual Recording Artist' if you may, hehe.

To sum it up, I hope to capture pictures people remember and cherish and that bring them much happiness and joy whenever they look back at them. My philosophy in Photography is simple; I’d rather be known with one really great shot instead of having loads of average shots that aren't memorable. It would be great to know that some day a picture I took influenced someone or even society to be inspired in some positive way in their lives.

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